About Me

Hi 👋 , I am Gourav 😄

I work as an Application Developer in Thoughtworks.
I am a Software Engineer with experience in developing fully tested end-to-end applications through Test Driven Development. I have been a part of the complete development of multiple projects involving frontend and backend development.

I love to solve coding problems involving data structures and algorithms. I enjoy meeting new people and talking to them. I love to play games, watching movies, dancing and listening to songs. I love to know and learn more and more keyboard shortcuts.
I built this website to share knowledgeable content with others.

Skills: Java | Data Structures & Algorithms | Spring Boot, Kafka, Spring Cloud Streams, Kafka Streams, Go Lang | React, Angular | JUnit, Mockito, Jest | Git, Splunk, Docker, Jenkins
Professional Skills: Test Driven Development, Agile Development

Thanks for visiting my website :)

"My goal will always be to become a good human being in every stage of my life."